Maintaining Mental Health Is Hard, But Not Impossible

7 min readAug 19, 2020


Don’t say I can’t…say I can and move on.

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

*Disclaimer — The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice.*

I don’t look at someone who has mental health issues as a sick person. No, I look at them as someone kind, caring, selfless, and an amazing person who is so pure and innocent that their tiny minds have no idea where to run off to. People who suffer from mental health are one of the most creative and beautiful people I have ever seen.

They each have a story to share with us, they have backgrounds to paint, and they have emotions that if once unlocked, could take you to another universe. However, even though they are smiling and spending their time with us, we must understand that they continue to go through the pain in their chest as if someone is just pulling them away. It’s one of the most difficult things to do; you see, to keep the person in front of you happy even though you’re hurting.

Nevertheless, these fantastic people have shown us time and again that maintaining mental health isn’t something that can’t be achieved. Rather, if you give it some time and therapy, one can become better and better and never even know that they are healed.

Today, I’m feeling happy to get this opportunity to share some tips that will keep your mental health in check. Let me also make it clear that I’m not just writing it because I want to, I’m writing it because I have gone through episodes of depression and anxiety before and I know how hard it can be for a person to handle it if it’s their first time or they have gone through it a hundred times already.

However, by God’s Grace, I’ve seen better days and been better, thanks to my family and friends around me.

I want you or someone in your circle who is suffering from mental health illness to feel the same way too; happy and grateful which is why I want to take some time to really breathe out and type in those words; filling up the blank pages as if they were my canvas.

Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash

Spend Time With Family and Friends

Some small talk goes a long way. Being surrounded by your loved ones will make you feel happy and grateful for having such a kind and caring family. There are so many out there who don’t even have parents, so the first thing we must do is be grateful for having a family that makes us delicious food and asks us about our well-being.

If you’re not talking to one or any of your family members or friends, now is the time to grab your cellphone and text them. Trust me, it’s worth it and you’ll be the most relieved person in the world. It’s better to forgive and forget rather than keep the grudge inside us.

Express Your Feelings

I know it’s hard but the best way to feel better is to talk to someone who would listen to you. I always go to my sister and she’s one of the most kind-hearted souls I have ever seen. She listens to me, gives me advice, and tells me to not overthink something. I think that’s what we all need when we’re suffering from depression and panic attacks. We need someone to tell us that the world isn’t going to end and that we’re in the right place at the right time even though we can tell that ourselves.

However, just hearing it come from someone else seals the deal.

Reduce Alcohol and Illicit Drug Intake

I don’t do drugs or drink alcohol but I just want to add this little tip because I have read case studies where people who reduced drinking were much better than those who continued to do so. No offense to all those wine and beer loves, but it’s toxic to the body and while we’re on the journey of healing ourselves, we must not poison our hearts and minds with it.

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

Workout Whenever You Get The Time!

Most of you might know this but to those who don’t, working out pushes away all the stress and steam in your body along with all the sweat and the heavy breaths. It clears your mind and enhances your creativity. I suggest to work out the moment you feel a burst of energy in your body and not care about what time it is because every individual’s body works differently.

Some people work out at night, others early in the morning or afternoon, but no matter what time it is, they are healthy, they feel good, and they enjoy living their lives. I’m not telling you to go to the gym and workout for an hour or two. No, you can work out at home for just 10–15 minutes and you’re good to go for the day.

Don’t forget to take a nice hot shower afterward and eat a healthy meal filled with proteins and vegetables.

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Distract Yourself

When you are alone, it’s better to learn new things or do things that you love such as dancing, painting, journaling your thoughts, and maybe learning a new language. Because when we are alone, we tend to overthink things and that just isn’t good for our brain. Keeping ourselves busy will help us to focus more on positivity than negativity.

When I was alone, I used to either write stories on Wattpad and publish them or dance my heart out. It made me feel better and time would often just pass by without me thinking about bad scenarios. I’m sure this method will help you too.

Our minds just need that little ‘drag’ to keep us going forward.

Relax and Smile

I envy those people who are carefree and total extroverts. They can just forget about one thing in a blink of an eye even though they are burdened with stress and anxiety. However, it’s no use to waste our energy in envying them because, in the end, we can try and be like them as well.

What we need to do is take a step back, loosen our muscles and just relax on a beach somewhere where the beautiful blue sky and the bright sun would shine down upon us. Or you can listen to calming music that would help you fall asleep. I would prefer to lie down on my couch and watch Netflix because 1) Netflix series gives me a lot of inspiration and 2) There are some awesome movies and series out there that need an audience.

I would also often look at myself in the mirror and smile. Alright, that sounds creepy but it’s not. It’s just a self-affirmation that you are alive, you are breathing and that you can do whatever goals you’re about to pursue.

We lack patience but if we make peace with it, then surely, we’ll look at it as a gift.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Set Goals (Realistic Ones!)

Setting realistic goals can distract you, and shift your focus from unwanted thoughts to real and motivational ones. However, we must always take baby steps and not go head-on with it or else we might end up losing confidence (which can trigger your anxiety even more)

so setting realistic goals such as eating healthy for a week, or drink 1–2 liters of water every day, or workout at least 3 days a week can warm your body up for the real goals that you can set and achieve.

Drink Water and Sleep Well

Sleep is the most important element in our lives and without it, we might actually go mad. Getting a goodnight’s sleep (7–8 hours) can help you maintain your mental health. It’s effective and you won’t need to stay on pills to put you to sleep.

It might be hard at first, but if you make it a habit, then you can sleep better in no time.

Also, I and many doctors recommend drinking a lot of water because just like sleep, water is the second most important element for our body and overall health.

Water also boosts our brainpower and makes us feel happy and healthy so make sure to buy a large can of water and keep it by your side at all times so that you can finish it by the end of the day.

Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash


Praying to God has helped me to control my anxiety and depression. It helped me in a lot of ways that one cannot comprehend. I’m not forcing you to pray but I would recommend it. Praying to God lets you know that not everything is in your power and that whatever happens, happens for a reason.

I for one, don’t believe in stars such as the horoscopes, but my faith in God is strong and if you could just try it for yourself, I’m sure it will make you feel better too. Once again, this is my opinion and it’s totally up to you, but if you have tried everything else, then why not try this too?

“Allah (God) doesn’t burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” — Quran Surah Baqarah, Verse 286

Following these tips will benefit you, but if the symptoms persist or you’re unable to control it, then it’s time to seek help from a professional. Don’t hesitate and know that they will do whatever it takes to help you live a better life.




Written by Aaliyah.S

Just a passionate author, poet, scriptwriter and blogger who wants to change the world with her words. Oh, and a cat lover too!

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